Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why was the industrial revolution so revolutionary?

In class on Thurday we used our textbooks to study the ingredients of the industrial revolution; resources, technology, transportation, and people. We discussed how each ingredient was revolutionary to industrialization. Revolutionary describes new and groundbreaking innovations toward a cause.

Resources was an important ingredient to the revolution due to iron, cotton and coal. Iron was used to create many new machines and steam boats. These inventions using iron were a revolutionary advance to this time period. Coal was a great resource that powered many of the machines created by iron. Cotton, which was shipped from India, was woven by peasants and dyed by artisans. The slow process of weaving and dying lead to new spinning tools such as the flying shuttle and the spinning jenny. Resources such as iron and cotton which lead to great inventions help support why resources is a revolutionary ingredient!

Transportation is another ingredient that greatly affected the industrial revolution. As mentioned before iron was used to make steam boats. The invention of steam boats was revolutionary because it sped up the travel of goods by water therefore goods could be sent to more places at a quicker pace! During the industrial revolution steam locomotives were also created. Steam locomotives are steam powered trains that pull carriages along tracks. Due this revolutionary invention goods could be brought to locations that were unreachable by water!

"Spinning « Trowbridge Museum."Trowbridge Museum RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2014. <

"The Steamboat Era Museum - Irvington, Virginia - Potomac Pilot House." The Steamboat Era Museum - Irvington, Virginia - Potomac Pilot House. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2014. <

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